Viaduc des Arts, Paris, July 4, 2019
C’est à 18h que je rejoins Elydjah Meyo, galeriste et représentant du travail de Junior Fritz Jacquet, Paper Artist et plus exactement artiste origamiste. Après un long échange sur le statut de l’artisan et les moyens de l’amener à sa véritable place, celle d’artiste, nous entrons dans la galerie pour découvrir le travail de Junior Fritz Jacquet.
Under the arches of the Viaduc des Arts, the artist's work is on full display. Upon entering the gallery, the unique style and technique of this origami master immediately stand out. His process is distinguished by the use of a single sheet of paper, which is folded, moistened, and crumpled to create the foundation for his sculptural work. Once dried, Junior re-moistens the paper to mold it into the desired shape.

As we continue through the gallery, we spot tall, multi-branched luminaires topped with paper flowers in the back. On the right, we see a wall piece made entirely of folded paper, from which a meteor-like shape seems to emerge. On the left, suspended clouds—densely textured with paper—almost resemble sculptures due to their intricate structure.

Having already been commissioned by prestigious brands such as Guerlain for an exclusive collection, L’Oréal for event beautification, and George V for wall art installations, Junior Fritz Jacquet’s reputation is well established. Sought after by top clients, it is becoming increasingly difficult to book his time. His signature style can be applied to a wide range of projects, including scenography, object design, window decoration, and packaging creation.
Daphné Aubé